

Update:1st January 2013

Note that this blog is now closed, so please refer hereafter to   www.artistcall.net/schools/our-lady-st-john-catholic-college/


Four schools form the next scheme phase (3 and 4) of BSF. This includes Our Lady and St John Catholic College. The Shine Arts Strategist has attended the Immersion Day for OLSJ in May 2011, followed by a meeting on 20th June 2012 with Our Lady & St John Catholic College (OLSJ) Deputy Headteacher Mr S Fleming. The agreed consensus for the artist residency would be to focus on making creative opportunity of the special expertise that exists within the school and it’s new Building Schools for the Future (BSF) building works.

The current OLSJ policy states that studying the arts is an essential element of a broad and balanced education and can contribute to the quality of life within and beyond school. OLSJ acquired it’s specialism in the Arts in September 2002.

Current facilities like the existence of the laser cutter were cited as being an area linked to potential commissioning, as was a recent conference held in OLSJ sixth form centre for painting (and marbling) techniques. However, because of the digital art opportunities, possibly linked to existing internal digital projectors as well as current Creative Media Production TV & Film course, it was suggested that this, as well as social & new media and photography might be interesting areas for artist residency consideration. Particularly noted was Mr Flemings own stated interests and experience in professional photography. As an example, the artist residencies might potentially be seen as acting as a bridge to help link OLSJ link with both the existing museums and library service, as well as perhaps other local community networks or ‘community of interests’.