

Update:1st January 2013

Note that this blog is now closed, so please refer hereafter to www.artistcall.net/schools/tauheedul-islam-girls-high-school/


Four schools form the next scheme phase (3 and 4) of BSF. This includes Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School. The Shine Arts Strategist has attended the Immersion Day for Tauheedul in January 2011, followed by a meeting on 12th September 2012 with Tauheedul Islam Girls’ High School’s (TIGHS) Deputy Headteacher Ms J Leavy. The agreed consensus for the artist residency would be to focus on making creative opportunity of both the key Islamic and citizenship principles that are the key cornerstone for the school, as well it’s new Building Schools for the Future (BSF) building works.

Previous Press release from BBC Lancashire on 16th January 2011:

Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School, in Blackburn, is to receive funding from the Department for Education (DfE) to run a school for boys aged 11 to 18.
The girls school is rated outstanding by Ofsted and is due to move to a new site at Beardwood. The boys school will be located at the girls school's Bicknell Street site.
'World class'. A free school is an independently run - but state-funded - organisation set up by parents or other community groups. Kam Kothia, chairman of Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School, said: "This really is tremendous news for everyone in the community and for all who want the best for Blackburn boys - Muslim and non-Muslim. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a world class boys school that will aim to achieve the same standards and exceed the successes of the existing girls school." The school said it would work with the local authority and other schools to ensure that it complemented the rest of Blackburn's state schools. The boys school is expected to open in 2012.